Looking Back at 2022
Right now I am quite happy to see the back of 2022. The last two years have felt like a real struggle. I totally lost my blogging mojo during the first lockdown in 2020 and, to be honest, I haven’t really got it back. The impact on our lives of the lockdowns was immense, separating us from family and friends and adding extra pressures that impacted our lives in so many ways. The effect on our well being is still being felt today.
Every time I start to feel that life should be getting better, a never ending series of issues seems to keep crashing over us. Now, the current cost of living crisis looms over us all, and brings with it another set of challenges that need to be met.
Yet, once I started thinking about all that we have done over the last 12 months, it’s actually been a pretty good year for us, with plenty to celebrate and lots of great memories.
It has made me determined to make of the most of whatever 2023 has in store.
January is always a tough month but we try to make it special as Finn’s birthday is in the first week of the new year. We celebrated this year with a trip up to one of our favourite places, Waterworld in Stoke. It was also Finn’s first camp with his Beaver troop, which he absolutely loved!

February was a quiet month but, after a COVID delay of 2 years, we finally got another in person appointment at the hospital and got some answers. We found out that Ollie did have a significant hearing impairment and intervention was going to be needed. We were put in touch with a teacher of the deaf for help and support, and got the ball rolling with the health visiting team to get speech and language therapy.
March was our first trip of the year to Alton Towers. We had a great day out as part of a work trip. Unfortunately, a few rides weren’t ready. but that meant that we got free tickets and another chance to go back later on in the year.

March was also the month we made some progress with Ollie’s hearing and got an appointment with an ENT consultant.

At the start of April we headed out for our first camping trip of the year. It’s a strange time to go camping, you’re never sure what you’re going to encounter weather wise. This trip was no exception, below 0 at night and sunshine and showers in the day, nevertheless we had a great few days at Ashbourne Heights Holiday Park.

May was a momentous month for Ollie as he got his grommets fitted. Two tiny pieces of plastic have literally changed his life. The difference was immediate, and to date everything is still OK. Before the operation he was getting so frustrated, as were we, as he couldn’t communicate easily. Instead of interacting with others, he would prefer to go and play on his own. The improvement in his social skills, communication and engagement has been immeasurable.
May was also the month that I did something uncharacteristically brave and applied for a full time secondment in another area of the business I work for. I had been working part time, but with Ollie due to start school in September, I knew I needed to get back into full time work. I obviously did something right at the interview, as I was offered a six month role.
June saw the nation come together to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We hung bunting from our house and enjoyed the extra bank holiday.

We also enjoyed a family wedding that weekend, which was a lovely occasion.

July started with a bang as we spent the first weekend of the month at Timber Festival. We had been before, but it is a lovely, chilled out festival and we were eager to experience it again.
The following Monday I started my new role. it was a massive step as I was now working in an area where I had no prior experience. The first few weeks were an extremely steep learning curve! But I soon grew to really enjoy my new job.
We also enjoyed a lovely few days away in Paignton, camping at Whitehill Country Park. The sea air did us all the world of good and was a great way to start the summer holidays.

At the very end of July we enjoyed watching basketball and rugby sevens at the Commonwealth Games. Birmingham put on a great show!

August was a relatively quiet month. We spent a lot of time at home, got the front of the house painted and finally sorted out a long running leak relating to our new water meter. (Dull, but very important things to accomplish!)
Ollie also graduated from nursery. It was a sad day in many ways, as both he and had loved their time there, and so a 7 year relationship was coming to an end. The team were amazing with both boys and deserve so much credit for their help and support over the years.

September means back to school, and a whole new chapter for Ollie. Being an August baby and having had the issues he has with his hearing, it was a stressful time. I was worried how he would settle in, and if he would cope with such a big change. The first half term was a little wobbly, but since then he has absolutely thrived. He has made friends and done so well.

September also saw the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and I took a trip up north to visit a friend in the lovely seaside town of Redcar.

October was a quiet month for us. I took a week off work for half term, but we mainly spent it at home relaxing.
November is my birthday month, and this year it fell on a Sunday. We spent the weekend with my sister and her family and visited the world famous Abingdon fireworks. We also watched the Christmas light switch on in the town centre to get us all in the festive mood.
December was a whirlwind of nativities, carol concerts and recitals, at times I hardly knew where I was as there was so much going on. By the time the Christmas holidays arrived I was so glad of a week off and time to relax with family.

We have had a lovely time with family and friends, and I have loved having a week off work. Speaking of work, I also found out earlier in the month that my secondment has been made permanent, which just topped off the year nicely.
So what does 2023 have in store?
I think this year is going to be tough for many reasons, but on a personal level I have lots to look forward to with my job and the boys are both doing so well at school that I am very positive about the future. I am going to try and blog more regularly, although won’t be putting pressure on myself. I hope to cover more walks and outdoor adventures, even if we spend more time in our local area this coming year. Also, there may be more living on a budget/sustainable living content as this is becoming a bigger part of my life.
However you are celebrating (or not) tonight, have a lovely time and I wish you a very happy 2023.
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