A Family Day out for £20
(AD: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Morses Club)
To celebrate the launch of the brand new £20 note this month, I was challenged to enjoy a day out with my family for just £20. As you know, I like a challenge and I like a budget friendly day out even more!
Morses Club, provider of cash loans (Representative 466.37% APR), have put together this infographic with everything you need to know about the new note.

Not surprisingly, I opted for a bit of outdoor exploring. If you’re looking for a cheap day out, a walk is always a good option. This time I decided to head off on a local urban adventure to learn more about where we live.

We live in the so-called ‘Boot and Shoe Quarter’ of Northampton and so are surrounded by old factories. Our house would have once housed the people who worked in the local shoe factories. It was a great opportunity to teach Finn about the area and where he lives, as he has been doing a topic on this at school. The area might be a bit run down now compared to its heyday, but I love living somewhere with history and stories to tell. I set him the challenge of seeing if he could spot buildings that might have been factories. There are several within a couple of streets of us, so it wasn’t too hard!

We then carried on walking towards the town centre. I don’t visit very often, but recently there has been an exciting shoe trail set up to celebrate Northampton’s heritage and encourage people into town. It’s always a good idea when walking with children to have something fun to look for, so I set Finn the mission of ticking off as many shoe sculptures as possible.

This was a great way to keep him entertained and distracted enough to stop any whinging! Luckily, he is a lot better these days. I think that his daily 1km walk to school has helped no end with his fitness and walking ability. Hopefully we’ll be able to tackle some longer walks this summer as a family.
After we’d ticked off as many shoes as we could find, it was time to spend my £20 on a well-earned lunch stop.

Do you enjoy learning about your local area?
(AD: This is a sponsored post)
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