Useful Camp Heating Options Ideal for Summer or Winter
Camping can be a wonderful time: full of peace, getting to grips with Nature and enjoying an electronics detox away from Wi-Fi signal and mobile range. But it can also be rather chilly, especially at night or when it is raining, no matter how contented you are during the day. Here are some fantastic camp heating options to ensure that you enjoy your outdoor home away from home no matter whether it is summer or winter.
Indulge in Calories
A calorie is nothing more or less than the energy required to heat 1 gram of water 1°C. While calories are a bane of regular life, keeping treats like doughnuts and cake on the forbidden list, you can afford to indulge yourself a little when you are camping: eating more calories literally allows your body to keep its temperature up, and if you calculate it carefully, you should be able to enjoy some usually forbidden treats without gaining a single pound!
Water Capacity
Water is necessary for life: this much is already known. But the thermal properties of water make it even more invaluable when you are camping: water holds its heat for longer, slowly releasing life-affirming heat into your tent or caravan during the long chilly hours of the night. Help funnel the heat into the tent by keeping the large water containers off the damp ground and position them as close is as safe to where you will be sleeping. Failing that, you can always resort to a couple of hot-water bottles tucked inside your waterproof sleeping bag with you for a surprisingly toasty night’s sleep.
Invest in a Firepit
But not everyone wants to go to bed the moment the sun goes down, taking with it most of the heat of the day. For those who like to enjoy a bit of chat and socialisation in the evenings, a firepit or chiminea can be exactly what you need! Gas fuelled, so there is no messy ash, smoke or other residue to deal with, portable for easy positioning where it will do the most good, and doubling as a heat and light source, these wonderful devices give you all a warm place to sit and enjoy the sounds of Nature at night. If in any case, you don’t know where to look for in order to get firepits; you can consider to choose a reliable brand. For example, you can check out Forest Fuel for getting gas firepits in the UK.
Layers, Layers, Layers
Layers are always the answer when camping. Not only does this allow you to change the dirty outside layers without needing to strip down to the skin, but it allows you to adjust for the changing temperatures, adding and removing layers as you need to.
Camping is already a fun pastime, and if you have been deterred by getting literal cold-feet on previous camping trips, why not try some of these tips and see if you can change your own mind about camping being a cold pastime?

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