Campsite Cooking 2

Campsite Cooking 2

Undoubtedly, one of the main attractions of camping is the simplicity of the whole experience. However, we seem to have acquired an awful lot of gear lately, so our aim this year is to get back to basics and to apply this approach to our cooking.

This week Luke and I took advantage of the lovely sunshine, and a rare day off together, to do some cooking outside on our Biolite.


We devised a simple, healthy menu. We often fall in to the trap of cooking too much meat when we’re camping, this year is going to be different.

We started off with one of our favourites, stuffed mushrooms (as mentioned in my last post). We used mini portabello mushrooms and filled with some Stilton, We also sliced up an aubergine, then seasoned and drizzled the slices with olive oil. Cook straight on the grill, turning once, for about 5 mins.




Corn on the cob so simple, surely no explanation needed?!


We both love fish, and for both ease and aesthetics, decided to cook some whole fish wrapped in foil. I proudly gutted both of these herring myself while Luke played with the fire. Gutting fish is easy, if i can do it, anyone can. Simply slit along the length of the belly, scrape out all the insides and give a quick rinse. These two beauties cost a grand total of £1.88.


I put 2 whole garlic cloves and a few sprigs of thyme inside each fish, wrapped in foil and cooked straight on top of the grill.



I came away from our last camping trip craving vegetables after a bit of a meat fest, so we tried a great way of cooking veg. I chopped a leek, half a carrot and a red pepper, added a few sprigs of thyme and a sprinkle of salt, wrapped in foil and popped on the grill.



This method worked an absolute treat. I’m not one to get over excited, especially about vegetables, but I can’t stress enough how delicious this was. It was so tasty in fact that we’ve just used the same method at home for our tea. They somehow come out tasting extra vegetably not sure that’s a word but that’s the best I’ve got at 9.15pm on a Tuesday!



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