Update on my Walking Challenge for The Lullaby Trust

As you may know, I have set myself a big challenge for this summer. In about 10 days time, I plan to set out on a 50 mile walk in aid of The Lullaby Trust following the Northamptonshire Round. I’ve been

The Jurassic Coast & Portland

The Jurassic Coast & Portland

During our recent stay at Andrewhayes Holiday Park, we took the opportunity to drive along the coast, from Lyme Regis to Portland. This stretch, which forms part of the Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site, is one of the most beautiful

Forest School Taster Session

Forest School Taster Session

Attending Forest School sessions has so many benefits for children. Me and Finn jumped at the chance to attend a taster session and try out some of the activities on offer.

Microadventures and finding time to GetOutside

Microadventures and finding time to GetOutside

I heard something the other day that stopped me in my tracks. It was a radio advert for a heart charity and a young heart attack victim said that she’s always considered herself to be active, but actually she was

A Guide to Mountain Rescue England and Wales

A Guide to Mountain Rescue England and Wales

If you follow me on any social media (and if not, why not?!) you will have seen that I spent last weekend with a few of my fellow members of Outdoor Bloggers, as we got to grips with some  great outdoor

What’s Your Everest?

What’s Your Everest?

As you will already know if you read my blog or follow me on any social media, I am an Ordnance Survey GetOutside Champion this year. It’s an amazing honour and I’m very proud to be amongst such an inspiring

I’m an Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champion!

I’m an Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champion!

I’m still in a state of shock! Every year Ordnance Survey nominates a selection of people to be #GetOutside Champions; ambassadors for the outdoors tasked with inspiring people to get out and have some fun. I applied last year, but

The Helpful Hiker's Review of 2016

The Helpful Hiker's Review of 2016

So, 2016. It’s been emotional. This post is only looking at my 2016, I don’t have the time nor the energy to look at the wider world. There’s been quite enough upheaval in my own little corner. If 2015 and

5 Reasons I love getting outdoors in the winter

5 Reasons I love getting outdoors in the winter

Just because the days are getting shorter and colder, there’s no excuse for hibernating over winter. It’s a fantastic time to head outdoors and here’s why: 1. I think we’re very lucky in Britain with our distinct seasons, each one

Stowe Night Run

Stowe Night Run

I love running but I do find it difficult to keep motivated. I try to give myself something to aim for, whether that’s a PB at the parkrun or signing up for a future event. This year I was trying to