Southwold Revisited
As I’ve been looking back through my posts, I’ve realised that several of them fall a bit short. I like to think that my blog has improved over time, so I’ve revisited some and added a few photos and extra
As I’ve been looking back through my posts, I’ve realised that several of them fall a bit short. I like to think that my blog has improved over time, so I’ve revisited some and added a few photos and extra
For our final outing of 2013, last weekend we headed to the Suffolk coast for a couple of days of fine food and ales and some good walks in the sea air. This was a little more relaxing than previous trips ,
This Summer really has been one of the best. We’ve enjoyed fantastic walking weekends in the Peak District, the Lake District and the Cotswolds (mostly in glorious sunshine). We’ve stayed at some great campsites and explored some of England’s loveliest