Whichford-Hook Norton-Whichford 29/06/13

Whichford-Hook Norton-Whichford 29/06/13

This is quite a tricky blog to write. Ordinarily I come back from a walking trip full of enthusiasm and desperate to share great walks. However, this walk, from last weekend’s Cotswold adventure, wasn’t a complete success. Having said that,

Everdon (NN11) 2nd June 2013

Everdon (NN11) 2nd June 2013

Sometimes we’re in such a rush to head off far away in search of beautiful landscapes that it’s easy to forget that we’ve got some beautiful walks on our doorstep. I’m as guilty of this as anyone, so one Sunday

The Lake District: Lake Windermere Walk

The Lake District: Lake Windermere Walk

Lake Windermere Walk For our final walk in The Lakes we fancied a change of scenery.  After a day of looking up at imposing craggy peaks during our Cumbria Way walk, we headed down to Ambleside for some lush fields,

The Lake District: Cumbria Way Walk

The Lake District: Cumbria Way Walk

Cumbria Way Walk We awoke early to glorious sunshine and a cooling breeze: perfect walking weather for our Cumbria Way walk! After a fortifying bowl of porridge we headed out of the campsite and turned left towards The Old Dungeon

The Lake District: Easy Ambleside Walk

The Lake District: Easy Ambleside Walk

3 Mile circular Ambleside-High Sweden Bridge As we had set off from our home in Northampton early, we had plenty of time to tackle an easy walk before heading to the campsite. We arrived in Ambleside early afternoon and, after

Peak District: Easy Ilam Circular Walk

Peak District: Easy Ilam Circular Walk

Easy Ilam 3 mile circular walk So I’d managed our first walk with no major mishaps. We hadn’t got lost, it turns out I can read a map, my new walking shoes didn’t rub and my legs still seem to work.  Success! Our

Peak District: Easy Dovedale Walk

Peak District: Easy Dovedale Walk

As I’d never been away walking before, we decided to have an easy practice run in the Peak District before we attempt some more adventurous walks later on in the year. We had a great weekend camping at Common End