Using walking to help you to de-stress and recover from injury

People walk for all kinds of reasons. Walking is a great way to stay fit, see more of the world and spend quality time with friends and family. It can also be a great way to recover after something like an injury at work.
You can use walking to help you to get fitter and to relieve some of the stress that is associated with seeking compensation from your employer. Below is an overview of how you could get started and give it a go.

Speak to your doctor
When recovering from any injury, it is important to follow the advice of your doctor throughout your recovery. Walking is a very gentle form of exercise. But it may still not be a good idea for everyone. So, before starting to do more of it speak to your doctor first. Be sure to follow the advice you are given. You do not want to ignore them and slow your recovery. There could be all kinds of negative consequences if that happened. So, you do need to be a bit careful about what type of exercise you do while recovering from an injury.

You don’t need to buy a lot of kit to start with, but if you decide to carry on hiking, it is worth investing in some key pieces

Start slowly
You should always start slowly. Gradually build up how long you walk for and how far you go.

Monitor your progress
For many people, keeping a track of their progress is a positive thing to do. If you have had a bad day being able to look back and see how far you have come can be very helpful.

Invest in some good gear
Once you get the walking bug it becomes a lifetime passion. So, it is worth
investing in some good quality gear. If money is tight, which it is likely to be if you have not been able to work for a while, just use what you already own. You can also find good gear in charity shops. You want to be able to get your walking fix in all weathers. Don’t underestimate the value of a good jacket. Look for one that will keep the wind out as well as the rain. It is also important that it is made from a breathable material. Just click this link to find out what breathable fabric is and how to choose the best one to suit your needs.

Wait before investing in a pair of high-quality boots But, initially, be wary of spending a fortune on a pair of hiking boots. You need to be sure that what you are buying is really suitable for you. In the early days, go for something mid-range. That way you can try each format out, to see what boot form suits the type of walking you like. For some people walking boots are the best option. Whereas, for others, hiking shoes or trail boots are a far better option.

Have you found that walking is a great way to de-stress and recover from illness and injury?



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